Saturday, May 23, 2009

Blogger update

Well, it's Memorial Day weekend and while I'd love to be at the shore, at a picnic, or even attending high school reunion events, as it turns out, I'll probably spend most of the weekend working on blogs and websites.

I'm starting to get a little more sense of how to navigate through Blogger and Wordpress. Both have Dashboard, or home page views, from which you can modify your page. Both also give you the option to edit your posts. My only previous firsthand experience with blogging was through Myspace, where you could edit your posts, so I was glad to see that option here.

There are some similarities between these blogs and the blog option on Myspace, but the major difference is that Blogger and Wordpress seem to have a lot more options and are obviously more blog-focused. On Myspace, the blog is just one aspect of the page, which in many cases may feature all sorts of images, videos, glittery things, quizzes, lengthy "About Me" sections, and long strings of comments posted by friends, with just a list of links to the blogs. On here, the blog is the focus of the page.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thoughts on Blogger

Blogger and Wordpress are easy to use, particularly blogger. Both give you the option of changing the HTML, which is better than not having this and at least gives you the ability to personalize the blog itself, even if the template is selected from a prefabricated group. It's also a lot less work than hand-coding a whole page, though I almost don't mind that now.

Actually, in some ways, working within Blogger and Wordpress feels a little confining after you've been able to design an entire site. It's great to be able to go in and change the HTML and actually know what you're doing, though.

One thing that I still find a little frustrating is the inability to modify a Blogger post once it's been published, though I may just be missing something. Update soon.

**I just realized that when you log in to Blogger, it gives you the option to edit the posts**

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First INFO652 Blog

Welcome to the INFO652 Group 3 blog. Throughout the week, we're going to use Blogger and Wordpress and report to our class about them. We also might include random thoughts about other things as well.

In the blogs that I set up the other day, I wrote my initial thoughts about setting up Blogger and Wordpress: